Senin, 28 Mei 2012

6 Paragraph

Paragraph 1

English language is the name of native tongue of the England People. It’s also spoken in the world as the first language in several nations, including United States, Australia, New Zealand etc. Now days English become international language and it’s the most widely used language, however it’s the third most commonly spoken after Mandarin and Spanish.

Paragraph 2

As a pet, Cat has became friend of human since about 6000 years before Christian. Furthermore, in the stories of “Spirus Island”, Ancient Egypt had used it to alienate the mouse and more rodents from their barn. Now, cat became a popular pet in the world, and it can be selled in legal community.

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Education in its broadest, general sense is the means through which the aims of a group of people lives on from one generation to the next generation. It can be occurs through any experience that has formative effect on the way of thinking, feeling, or acting. In its narrow, education is the formal process by which society transmits some accumulated knowledge, skills and customs.

Paragraph 4

Do not confuse about a compound sentence. A compound sentence consists of two independent clauses joined by a coordinator. This coordinator may be a coordinating conjunction such as and, but, or, for, yet, so. It also may either be a conjunctive adverb (such as however and moreover), or a semicolon.

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Everything you will do in goodness, you must do it by praise to Allah SWT and do it with your heart. You have to believe that those will become your praise to Allah SWT. After you done those, you may say “Alhamdulillahirrobilalamin”. Trust me, don’t ever forget to do it and you’ll get the deep feelings.

Paragraph 6

In a village, lived a young beautiful girl with only her mother in law. Her mother in law was always angry and commanding her to do almost of work in their house. One time, there was a young rich handsome boy who wanted to marry the young beautiful girl. First, the mother in law didn’t agree with the boy’s mind, but by the hard works, the boy could make the mother change her mind. In the end, the boy got married with the girl and they lived happily hereafter.